Tuesday 9 August 2011

Passing Oslo and Jutland

The view on the blooming fields and windmills of Jutland gives a nice picture in this time of year.

The sailing in the Kattegat, Denmark, enjoyed a nice strong wind filling the Spinnaker all the way. This gave us good progress, but not only me but also to other competing boats. However , I managed to pass some and gained some nice places before and while validating the gate close to Oslo. 

The night  gave some variable winds and though I put several WP's on the autopilot, I did loose again some valuable places. The wind update 1800gmt, apparently brought a change that was not foreseen in the weather forecast and favored the boats North of me more. 

Now , we have entered the North Sea and the water is wide open to choose a favorable strategy to sail quickest to London. 
The wind seems to be willing to help, as soon a strong NW wind systems fills in and will give us full spinnakers and plenty of boatspeed. 

rank this morning: 68 in a fleet of 759.  

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