Friday 12 August 2011

Rounding the gate at Lands-End

If you round the cliffs of Lands End, than the route to Dublin is opened for you!

The Channel yesterday offered a fine day of Sailing. A strong Westerly breeze, was giving sufficiently power to make a good boats speed. The wind direction, however, made it a game of tacking. 
Quiet challenging to make all your tacks, in between all the other Sailing Boats that do the same. Constant alertness was required to sail save and prevent collisions. More than a couple of shouts "Starboard", could be heard :)

The target for sure was the gate at LandsEnd. Once that was passed, for me on autopilot in the night, the route to Dublin opened up. Passing other boats will be difficult however as it looks the Westerly wind will allow to sail the Spinnaker all the way, be it that the wind is later on backing into the South. 

Rank:54 in a fleet of 754, 

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