Sunday, 5 June 2011

Passed the Thames gate and now sailing the North Sea

Yesterday saw a very interesting day of sailing. First of all there was the Strait of Dover with the busy marine traffic. 
Then we had two gates to pass. First the one on the corner to the Thames, Kingsgate. Actually a logical gate on this corner and easy to pass as it was on the most efficient route anyway. 
The next gate at Sheerness lay deep into the Thames estuary and the passing was an almost 170 degree turning point. If the time between the game updates is a little awkward (you have to sail for 10 min. before you can make a turn), you could loose considerable time and ranking places. 
For me it worked out fine and using my WP scheduler trick, reduced the overshoot and I could win some places on the passage of this Gate. 

Next is the crossing of the North Sea to Oslo in a strong NE breeze. A lot of tacks are involved again, but a good progress is made. 

This morning already at the latitude of Den Helder and the wind is keeping pretty steady for the next half day sailing, after which she is weakening towards Oslo. 

I have updated also the AIS map, and publish it under the TAB "Route& AIS"

Rank this moring 42 

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