Thursday 9 June 2011

Rounding Sweden South Coast upto Stockholm Finish

Yesterday was a day with a lot of actions in variable wind situations.

It started with very weak winds in the Kobenhavn area which slowed the progress. Added to that my miss judgement of winds in the nights, so I was sailing to much west too close to the Mermaid. 
Luckily the wind picked up later and I could pass Gate#5 Kobenhavn and Gate#6 Falsterbo. By that time the wind had turned to the East and guess what I turned around the SW point of Sweden to follow an Eastern heading. 
During the night with setting some secure WP's, I passed the following Gate#7 Sandhammaren. 
I lost however some 15 places overnight, due to safe sailing, but that is still better then being grounded. 

Oland Images
This photo of Oland is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Now the winds are keeping nicely in the East and the turn around Oland islands make it possible to sail on Code0 and not too long from now I guess the Spinnaker will be hoisted to sail towards the Finish in Stockholm.

Rank 95 in a fleet of 934 

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