Tuesday 7 June 2011

Sailing in the Kattegat

The Ytre Hvaler gate#4 close to Oslo was passed yesterday by the leadersboats. Those boats are now sailing the Kattegat heading to the passage between Denmark and Sweden along Copenhavn. 

The wind was weaker yesterday and also today it is weak with wind strength in the single digits. 
The wind is also changing directions constantly now, under the influence of a depression on the North Sea close to Denmark.

I had worked out a nice strategy to sail west of the island of Laeso, which worked out the fastest to come to Copenhavn. During the night sailing on WP's autopilot the wind update of 1800 gmt, must have changed more then forecasted. This morning I found myself sailing with wrong sail at half speed. The fastest route now goes East from Laeso, luckily I still have sufficient time to make that heading change. 

My rank dropped to 126, so the chase is on again. 

So sailing on today in a weak wind that still is expected to bring the leading boats towards the next Gate#5 Kobenhavn after sailing under the beautiful OreSund bridge. 


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