Monday 6 June 2011

Sailing to Denmark to pass the Oslo gate

The sailing on the North Sea was progressing good, notwithstanding the NE winds. The wind, however, becomes variable while coming under the Danish coast and a good strategic plan and some sail changes can help you gain in the fleet. 

The fleet was broadening its course with some boats sailing far North in order to come Eastwards, where other boats followed closer the Dutch Wadden Islands and Danish coast. I have not checked what was the best option. I sailed somewhat in the middle of the fleet but lost some places. 

The next gate#4 Ytre Hvaler, again hidden in a narrow part of water and some diligent sailing will be required for not missing the gate and not loosing too much time.

The weather forecast in Oslo is promising some rain, welcome to wash some salts from the sails and boat. 

Rank: 58 in a still growing fleet of 942 boats. 


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